Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hi, my name is *ınsertyournamehere*, and I like Turkish.' -the first thing usually said to your Turkish Language 12-step-frustration-support group. In my case, it would read, 'Hi, my name is Mavi Göğün -why don't the freak'n Turks use Turkish? ARGGG!!'

Here we have a robust, dynamic language, capable -via agglutination- of making wonderfully nuanced expression. And what does popular, contemporary Turkish culture do with this quality? -ignores it in favor of conquering cultures -typically French or English- form of consumer nomenclature.

My favorite example is Ahududulu Peynir Pastası. Ask for this in your favorite Pastacı and you will be met with looks of abject horror; by-the-Gods! -who would want to eat a cake made of CHEESE? Oh -but utter the unobjectionable English/French mongrel-hybrid Frambauz Cheese Cake, and you will elicit uncontrolled drooling and smiles all-around!

Bringing us, in my typically long-winded fashion (as is my want), to the mater at hand: the majestic, the unprecedented, unicycle. I reject the common answer of 'one-wheeled bicycle', which suffers from several different types of retardation; likewise, I refuse to demean the machine with the alternative tek tekerlekli sirk araç and it's slanderous circus reference. To point: Turks don't have a word for it, and often act like they are choking on their tongue when calling out for others to look at their bizarre discovery. Presently, I'm favoring a similar format to the ''single/one-wheel/cycle'' used by the rest of the world, specifically tek devir, or, like buzdolabı or ayakkabı, run it together as tekdevir.

I found the 'Father of all Unicyclists' sitting in silent contemplation after a vigorous ride; he has yet to weigh-in on the subject.


Anonymous said...

It's "peynirli pasta", not "peynir pastasi", for the same reason that it's "peynirli sandviç".

Christopher said...

Ahhh.... I use "peynir pastası" for exactly that reason -I don't wanna say it is a 'cake with cheese', but a 'cheese cake'- ergo, the possessed ending. For example, 'üniversite oretmanı', not 'üniversiteli oretman'... ya?

Anonymous said...

Cool picture. Shoot me an email, yo. :) [[ Lewis ]]

Anonymous said...

how are you? jen