Friday, January 11, 2008

Little People

One picture, many stories:

I roughly estimate that 5% of adult Turks are less than 5 foot tall; dwarfism is relatively common
. Also common are leg malformations/deformities -whether the result of automobiles or birth, I do not know.

This gentelmen was close to 3 feet tall, and appeared to be anywhere from 60-80 years old.

Begging is an accepted vocation, and may be persued without fear of harrasment by the polis. It is not unusual to find older women, sometimes with infants, seeking charity -regardless of weather or hour. Often a trade good of nominal value is offered in exchange. This fellow is offering sweets; frail, he braces himself against the press of foot traffic on one of the busiest pedestrian streets in The City. Islamic culture values charity, and the poor are a visible part of society. This is a hard place, but not without humanity.


Unknown said...

Hi Christopher & Mak,
Rick and I have spent about 45 minutes reading and enjoying your space. What an experience for you both to visit eachothers lives. Question: How did you get only the small person clear while all others are blurred and seem to be running? We found those photos fantastic. You are a wonderful writer, so much like my daughter. Very clear and VERY comical.
Rick & Tami

Christopher said...

The image was taken on The-Street-That-Never-Sleeps, Istiklal; pedestrian traffic thins only as the sun rises, then increase after noon, building as night approaches...

Lamp-light required a long exposure; The Little Man stood like a statue, legs braced against the flow of people, his hand extended. Lacking a tripod, I sat leaning against a wall 10 meters away, held my breath, and gently squeezed; still, the central subject is also blurred, made crisp only by scaling down the image.