Monday, February 11, 2008

Evidence of God

Beautiful sleeping women...

...and unguarded chocolate raspberry cake.

(Evidence that I deserve either has not yet been substantiated...)


Bruce Hopkins said...


Given the choice, I would choose Cloth... Not given that choice, I see your dilemma !!!

Love to both of you from the Hopkins Bird House and Booby Hatch...

Bruce, Tosh, et al

Ray's blogger said...

Both of those pictures were high quality. However,,,,one of them really just a little better than the other one......Hey, can't help it,,,I have a sweet tooth, ahhahaha
Take care of yourself during this strange period of your life.
When you must escape,,, like we all must from time to time,,,Remember doing your set up to final around the wind-sock.
Touch the imaginary clouds in your mind.

Ray's blogger said...

Do me a favor,,,,Get someone to take a pic of the two of you, in some none political area(haha)and post it for everyone. Then I will post that on my blog so that all your friends, and mine, can enjoy your eloquent writings.