Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eacepay Actingyay andyay Iminalcray Ourtscay

Restored post from 1/23/08, 7:08 AM

Hey kids! Now for something I know you'll really like!: after much due consideration, the YouTube decision was appealed to a higher court in Ankara, where, in strict adherence to the law, they issued this NEW proclamation:

Bu siteye erişim mahkeme kararıyla engellenmiştir.

T.C. Sivas 2. Sulh Ceza Mahkemesi 16/01/2008 Tarih ve 2008/11 nolu kararı gereği bu siteye erişim engellenmiştir.

Access to this web site has been suspended in accordance with decision no: 2008/11 of T.R. Sivas 2nd Criminal Court of Peace.

Or, in other words: the responsibility for change is vested not in the hands of the Judiciary, but lies with the Parliament. Until the elected body acts to institute substantial change, Turks will... uh... just a moment, let me switch to

ayay afersay ialectday... ownay erewhay asway Iyay? Ahyay yesay ...Urkstay illway avehay otay atisfysay emselvesthay ithway ethay amiliarfay astetay ofyay ethay allbay aggay andyay ethay omfortingcay esspray ofyay ethay ackjay ootbay otay ecknay. Aketay olacesay omfray owingknay atthay ethay oundsay ofyay archingmay oldierssay andyay istfay againstyay oorday isyay atthay ofyay youray youthay, Urkeytay; ifyay eythay omecay orfay youray eighbornay, andyay onenay aiseray ayay ycray, owhay illway itnessway enwhay eythay omecay orfay youay?